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Thursday, April 17, 2008 Delivers Excellent Quality Papers

DoPapers is a dedicated writing services company composed of a team of professionals representing a variety of fields. Their mission is to deliver a wide range of finely crafted papers, from school to corporate papers, twenty four hours a day and seven days a week.

DoPapers is a fairly young company; however, from the start up phase to date, it continues to receive influxes of orders. The reason behind its success is its “customer focused” culture. They create papers according customer specifications and deliver them before specified deadline. Apart from early delivery of its products and services, DoPapers put their services and products under scrutiny: they go through a series of quality checks. Moreover, DoPapers’ system administrators expertly manage the channel of communication between the client and writer. This culture clearly defines DoPapers as a reputable writing services company.

As DoPapers continues to live its culture and achieve its mission, it recognizes that the key to its success are its people: writers, editors, proofreaders and system administrators. They recognize that their ability to provide clients with the best customer services and products lies in its people, on their writers mainly. For this reason, DoPapers only hires the most excellent of writers. Writers are required to have obtained a post graduate education and should be an expert on all types of papers, PowerPoint, Moviemaker and Publisher presentations, and on the different citation styles: MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian and Harvard. In turn, DoPapers make sure their skills are further developed. DoPapers subject their writers to prequalification exams and intensive trainings. At DoPapers, writers are encouraged to develop their skills.

DoPapers envisions itself to be the global market leader in the writing services industry. With this vision, DoPapers foresees to deliver diverse services and products to a set of multicultural customers. Their team of professionals are currently looking into potential added services and products.

For more information visit their website at

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Milestone

In celebration of yet another milestone in my career as a copywriter, I have decided to share the culture that I, as a writer and an entrepreneur, lives by. It is my aim to guide and inspire copywriters, particularly those who have yet to define themselves in this industry.

The question now then lies in my capacity to give such a statement. I will not pretend to be an expert in this industry. I will tell you however that my copies sell. In this career, I consider the monetary value you receive for your work to be the best measure of your status.

I believe that what sets me apart from my contemporaries, are the values and norms that I live by.

I believe in the product/company I work with.

I write for companies that live the same culture that I live by. Their products or services deliver what they promise and promote good values. Thus, these products or services do not go against the values and norms that I believe in.

I deliver before the deadline.

Delivering before the specified deadline gives the best impression. With this being said, I do not accept contracts which do not give me sufficient time to create quality copies. I take great care in managing my resources. There is simply no excuse for a late delivery or an on-time delivery yet, the copies do not meet up to client’s standards and worse, contains hack-eyed ideas.

However, in this career, rush contracts cannot be avoided. As much as possible I accept contracts that give me sufficient time to write, save for those that I accept from Mark. I do this for the reason that I believe in the culture his company lives by. I pride myself in taking part to achieve a mission of a reputable writing services company.

I maintain good client relations.

Maintaining good relations with clients is one of my top requirements. I go for clients who, I can maintain good relations with. I’d trade good client relations anytime, for a bulky gain from a client who thinks I own a sweat shop.

I believe that this culture I choose to live by together with my mission to create quality copies, has defined me as a copywriter.

I am looking forward to a more successful career as I continue to achieve my mission and live by the norms and values I believe in.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Learn From The Experts - Coca Cola's Marketing Strategies

PHILIPPINES-Last Year, Coca Cola Int. acquired its local operations. A reason behind an acquisition this big could be that [educated guess] Coca Cola was not happy with it's local operations. Several surveys last year stated that Coca Cola's beverage market share was declining and was being grabbed by several "more healthy" drinks such as ready- to- drink tea.

I am always on the lookout for mergers and acquisitions because after such big events, I am sure to witness intensive marketing programs. From these programs, I learn a few important things. So, since Coca Cola's acquisition, I have been a very keen observer of their new marketing strategies.

Last year the company hired a number of account developers. Their goal was apparently to make their products more available at retail. The bulk of sales of Coca Cola products do not come from planned purchasing but rather on instantaneous purchses made at the retail store upon seeing Coca Cola products. What usually happens is that when a person feels thirsty, he/she heads for a store to buy a beverage. Most of the time, they do not have a particular beverage in mind.

A New Target Market

Coca Cola recently released new ad campaigns promoting a Healthy and Active Lifestyle. It stressed out that coke was not the main culprit of several illnesses such as diabetes and obesity. It further stressed out that anything taken in excess can be bad for you. Further, it promoted a healthy and active lifestyle so people can drink any drink they want. Excercise was promoted witht the use of the usual coke's bottle image, taken into the likeness of a person's body[curves]. Also, several FAQ's, such as body fluid intake and absorption, were discussed.

When asked about the issue about their declining market share, they brushed it off with the statement that the market simply wanted more choices.

A New Product for a New Target Market

After the Healthy and Active Lifestyle campaign. Coca Cola introduced a new product: Coke Zero. Its features were zero sugar, zero calories and zero fat.

Those observing Coca Cola's recent marketing strategies were apprehensive about this product. Coca Cola already has two products that were in the market, that, addressed the "more health conscious" market segment. However, just as people were starting to wonder, Coca Cola seems to have an answer for everything. A week after Coke zero was launched, another ad circulated. It showed Coke zero in the usual packaging: 8 oz, 12 oz and the 1 liter bottles.

Coke Light and Diet's inability to capture the "more health conscious" market segment may be that both products were not readily available at retail, at the local stores. It was only available in cans, which is a little higher priced, and in 1.5 PET bottles and, usually not available at the local sari-sari stores.

This time, I could not agree more with Coca Cola's efforts for Coke Zero to capture the "more health conscious" market segment.

Impressive Marketing Strategies

What I like about Coca Cola is that it spends good money for intensive marketing programs. They address every part of marketing: from new product launches, packaging, pricing and advertising. Also, they seem to come up with the most effective advertisements; stressing family values. Last December, they promoted good family values with an ad where an estranged father was invited over for a coke drink stressing that he was still family to their daughter.

Coca Cola also gives equal weigh to sales promotions with effective sales promotions for market intermediaries. They know that advertising is just a part of promotions. Also, they know that promotions is a part of a more bigger picture, a complete set of marketing plan/strategy.

A good marketing strategy addresses every aspect of marketing: product, price, promotion and place. It is best to segment the target market when faced with every marketing decision to give what the consumers want/need-lower price or a new product, and in turn, for the consumers to buy your product. These marketing strategies however, must be constantly updated to address competitor strategies and changing consumer purchasing behavior and product preferences.